In order to complete training successfuIly, every psychoanalyst has to
be a supervisee. This experience leads each analyst to want to become a
supervisor. Until recently, very little has been discussed about wh at
supervision is, how it is done, and how it is related to the various
theories of psychoanalysis that are held as articles of faith. The
1980-1981 program of the William Alanson White Psychoanaly- tic Society
was devoted to supervision-with representatives of various "schools"
demonstrating their ways of doing consultations with ana- lysts about
patients. This book is an extension of that endeavor. In it, supervisors
of various persuasions discuss this topic. The editors-Leopold Caligor,
Philip M. Bromberg, and James D. Meltzer-are to be congratulated for the
high level of discourse repre- sented by the various chapters. They are
to be commended as weIl about the eloquent statement this book
makes-namely, there are many an- swers and approaches and no final
answer to the questions raised by the volume.