This book highlights the current issues, challenges, and priorities for
climate change adaptation in the ten member states of the Association of
Southeast Asian Nations (ASEAN). The status of each country was prepared
by a consortium of researchers in consultation with National Focal
Points of the ASEAN Working Group on Climate Change (AWGCC). National
documents on adaptation actions, including local scenario and
priorities, were reviewed where available and supplemented with an
assessment of scientific publications to identify vulnerable ecosystems
and regions. Adaptation needs and priorities were determined through
stakeholder consultation in the respective countries. This allows for
local-level perspectives to be captured and brought to the attention of
policy and decision-makers at the national and regional levels. An
important lesson from this exercise is that universities and research
institutions at the national level have a critical role to play in
bridging the gap between science and policy in climate change
adaptation. These institutions also have the capacity to continuously
facilitate transfer of the best available science for advancing climate
change adaptation at the local level.