The field of shock compression science has a long and rich history
involving contributions of mathematicians, physicists and engineers over
approximately two hundred years. The middle of the nineteenth century
was an especially ac- tive period with the contributions of Riemann,
Rankine and Hugoniot, among others. The middle of the twentieth century
saw another increase in activity re- lated to shock compression of
condensed matter as a result of military applica- tions. It was also
recognized that shock compression provided a means of sub- jecting
solids and liquids to extreme states of temperature and pressure
difficult to achieve by static means. It has thus become an academic
study in its own right. The principal modem contributions to this
science were summarized in the landmark paper by Rice, McQueen and Walsh
[Solid State Physics, Vol. 6, pp. 1-63, 1958]. As this field has
continued to mature, interest has increased in tracing the early papers
that have served as the foundations of the field. Cheret [Shock
Compression of Condensed Matter - 1989, Elsevier Sci. Pub. B. V., pp
11-19, 1990) has contributed to this literature with his review of the
life of Hugoniot on the one-hundredth anniversary of the publication of
Hugoniot's classic paper on the propagation of discontinuous waves in
gases. This contribution prompted additional historical investigation
involving the precursors to Hugoniot.