Realizing maximum performance from high bit-rate and RF circuits
requires close attention to IC technology, circuit-to-circuit
interconnections (i.e., the 'interconnect') and circuit design. Circuit
and Interconnet Design for RF and High Bit-rate Applications covers
each of these topics from theory to practice, with sufficient detail to
help you produce circuits that are 'first-time right'. A thorough
analysis of the interplay between on-chip circuits and interconnects is
presented, including practical examples in high bit-rate and RF
applications. Optimum interconnect geometries for the distribution of RF
signals are described, together with simple models for standard
interconnect geometries that capture characteristic impedance and
propagation delay across a broad frequency range. The analyses also
covers single-ended and differential geometries, so that the designer
can incorporate the effects of interconnections as soon as estimated
interconnect lengths are available. Application of interconnect design
is illustrated using a 12.5 Gb/s crosspoint switch example taken from a
volume production part.