**"**It is resilience that gives us the power to be genuinely free and
to decide, throughout our lives, who and what we are, what we hope to do
and become, and what moral considerations will shape our choices."
--Dr. Frederic Flach, M.D.
Create Strength from Stress
We have all had times in our lives where it all seems to fall apart, and
we find the need to redefine ourselves, our goals, our ambitions, in the
face of new challenges. Many view these experiences as negative; it is
easy to see why, they are often painful times. Yet falling apart, as Dr.
Frederic Flach argues in his classic book, Choices, is very
important because it gives us the opportunity to put ourselves back
together in a new and creative way.
Choices address the topic of stress, but more importantly, the way
in which stress provides the basis for our growth as individuals. There
is no doubt that at some point in our lives each of us will feel
stressed, perhaps because of a specific event, or perhaps in an ongoing
way simply due to our lifestyle. Adapting to this stress, seeking new
ways to manage it and cope with it without merely ignoring it, is often
the sign of a healthy individual.
There is a unique kind of stress however, that makes us change, which
forces us to bend and renew ourselves-or break under its pressure. It is
this stress which Dr. Flach argues is vital to maturity, and is integral
to growth. Whether it is the stress of finding a job after college, of
middle-age, of the end of a marriage or relationship, it is the
opportunity to grow, and is in fact the very cause of our growth.
Choices emphasizes that it is important to deal with the stress of
life, not to put it off, not to suppress it, or stifle it, because only
through dealing with this stress, and adapting to it, can you truly
progress. While avoiding it or running away from it can seem easier,
there can be long term consequences for you or the ones you love.
Choices offers insight and wisdom into how stress affects our
lives, physically and psychologically, and provides useful information
for finding inspiration in these stressful situations; inspiration to
change, and inspiration to grow. In addition, Dr. Flach presents the
strategies and solutions that he employed as a psychiatrist to help
people deal with stress, in an extremely accessible and relevant way.
The process of falling apart allows us the opportunity to put our lives
back together, and make new, better choices. Getting through this
process, however, can be extremely challenging. Choices offers
guidance and insight into dealing with stress, and is a valuable
addition to any collection.