CHIRP AND CHAT A poem is an art where words construct sentences, verses
using metaphors and symbols, which in turn are based on imagination,
facts, and life experiences. What prose can explain in three hundred
pages, a poem (as a masterpiece) can express in one single page; with
more meaning, using larger-than-life pictures describing timeless
classic scenes, memorable events and bringing immortality to life
itself. For us Cypriots, a poem means the creation of anything, in this
case structurally using words with specific meaning. A poem does not
have to rhyme and yet it can be a stanza, a canto to a loved one, an ode
to a hero, a sarcastic remark to emphasise the importance of a point
made, an elegy composed to explain feelings arranged as a work of art.
The poems in this anthology have endured time and kept the promise of
including all that is described above. The subjects chosen, show such
versatility that the reader will require time to read the elevated
expression of thoughts and feelings.