The historic Wiltshire market town of Chippenham has seen huge changes
over the years. Its population has grown rapidly in recent decades and
alongside its historic centre housing has spread out in new suburbs
around the town that were formerly just villages. Today cattle traders
can no longer be seen in Chippenham's marketplace but the town has
retained many historic buildings. Industries other than agriculture have
also shaped the town, including Westinghouse (now Siemens) railway
signalling company. In Chippenham From Old Photographs author Chris
Breach has drawn on a remarkable selection of old photographs to give a
pictorial record of how much the town and the community has changed over
the last century. Although many of the landmarks have remained the same
over the years, the photographs show the town adapting and evolving with
many other buildings being replaced and the pattern of life in the town
changing for many too. This fascinating collection of images will be of
interest to those who have lived in Chippenham or know it well as well
as the many visitors to the area.