Dental caries is one of the most common childhood illnesses. The Surgeon
General's report in the year 2000 considered the disease to be the
single most common chronic childhood illness, being five times more
common than asthma and seven times more common than hay fever. Dental
caries is known to be a multifactorial disease resulting from the
interaction of diet and microorganisms on tooth structure over time.
Other risk factors which have been suggested but not yet fully
understood include early childhood infections and the intake of certain
medications such as antibiotics. These are especially important because
they can estabish a link between the child's medical and dental health
and can be a point of communication between physicians and dentists.
This book examins the relationship between some of the most common
childhood infections including ear and respiratory infections and the
development of dental caries in very young children. The book is
addressed to dentists, pediatricians, dental hygienists and dental