children of air india is a series of elegiac sequences exploring the
nature of individual loss, situated within public trauma. The work is
animated by a proposition: that violence, both personal and collective,
produces continuing sonar, an echolocation that finds us, even when we
choose to be unaware or indifferent.
This collection breaks new ground in its approach to the saga that is
Canada/Air India, an event and its aftermath that is both over-reported
and under-represented in our national psyche.
329 deaths. 82 Children. Canada's worst mass murder. The accused
What does it mean to be Canadian and lose someone in Air India Flight
Why does 9/11 resonate more strongly with Canadians than June 23, 1985?
The poems in this book search out answers in the everything/ness and
nothing/ness of an act and its aftermath, revealing a voice that
re-defines and re-visions.
Air India never happened. Air India always happens.