In 1921, insurance executive Charles Ives sent out copies of a piano
sonata to two hundred strangers. Laden with dissonant chords, complex
rhythm, and a seemingly chaotic structure, the so-called Concord Sonata
confounded the recipients, as did the accompanying book, Essays before a
Sonata . Kyle Gann merges exhaustive research with his own experience as
a composer to reveal the Concord Sonata and the essays in full.
Diffracting the twinned works into their essential aspects, Gann lays
out the historical context that produced Ives's masterpiece and
illuminates the arguments Ives himself explored in the Essays . Gann
also provides a movement-by-movement analysis of the work's harmonic
structure and compositional technique; connects the sonata to Ives works
that share parts of its material; and compares the 1921 version of the
Concord with its 1947 revision to reveal important aspects of Ives's
creative process. A tour de force of critical, theoretical, and
historical thought, Charles Ives's Concord provides nothing less than
the first comprehensive consideration of a work at the heart of
twentieth century American music.