The Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) college
environment is marked by increasingly stark juxtapositions between what
needs to be achieved in the post-school education sector and the
increasing difficulty of current conditions. The 'triple challenge' of
poverty, inequality and unemployment weighs heavily on the social,
political and economic fabric of the country and expectations are high
that the TVET colleges can make a pivotal contribution to counter these
challenges. Despite laudable increases in TVET enrolment, the education
system needs to work harder to accommodate the weight of demand for post
school further education and training (FET) band qualifications from
young people not in education, employment or training. At the same time,
it is vital to secure adequate quality in TVET programmes which depend
so much on the competence and commitment of college lecturers. This
collection offers a set of research papers that provide new analytic and
empirical material on:
- The political economy of TVET types in different countries which, by
comparison, illuminate the South African case;
- A periodisation of government interventions in the TVET sector over
the last three decades;
- The unsettled state and status of TVET lecturers in relation to their
job requirements and conditions of service;
- The halting evolution of collegial relationships between college
lecturers towards higher collegiality;
- Employer expectations of college graduates and how colleges are
responding; and
- An analysis of the outcomes of a college improvement intervention in
Limpopo and the Eastern Cape.
This book will offer valuable information and insights for
decision-makers as well as analysts of institutional change concerning
links between education and economic growth, with particular regard to
TVET graduates' employment rates.