Cesarean section rates Percentage Indication Low High Failure to
progress 2. 0 4. 0 Repeat cesarean section 2. 0 6. 0 Breech and abnormal
lie 1. 3 3. 5 Fetal distress 1. 5 3. 0 Third-trimester bleeding 1. 0 1.
0 Totals 7. 8 17. 5 l From Quilligan, by permission of Contemporary
Obstetrics and Gynecology. vaginal delivery, I have yet to meet a
physician who would do something they believed would harm their patient
even if they were paid ten times as much for a section. On the other
hand, there are fears and misconceptions. I have heard many doctors say
"I have never been sued for a section I did, but I have been sued for
the section I did not do. " The fear of not having performed a section
in my opinion is real, although difficult to prove, and until the public
can be educated that cesarean section delivery cannot eradicate fetal
death and damage, this fear will remain and will be responsible for some
unnecessary cesarean sections. Bruce Flamm and I hope this book will
correct misconceptions that have been responsible for many unnecessary
cesarean sections. I am still frequently asked the same old question:
What is an ideal cesarean section rate? I still give an answer similar
to the 1983 answer, perhaps somewhat modified.