The Basic Bookshelf for Eyecare Professionals is a series that provides
fundamental and advanced material with a clinical approach to clinicians
and students. A special effort was made to include information needed
for the certification exams in ophthalmic and optometric assisting, low
vision, surgical assisting, opticianry, and contact lens examiners.
The Certified Ophthalmic Medical Technologist Exam Review Manual is
a review book designed for those preparing for the COMT(R) certification
exam. This manual offers some 600 multiple-choice questions on every
topic listed in the test criteria, including advanced levels of
tonometry, visual fields, color vision, clinical optics, motility,
photography, pharmacology, and general medical knowledge. Material that
is unique to COMTs, such as microbiology and special instruments &
techniques, are also covered. Explanatory answers, often with supporting
illustrations and tables as well as the reference from which the
material was obtained, are offered to round out your study experience.
Suggested study texts are listed, along with an appendix on how to take
a practical examination.