The literature on cavitation chemistry is ripe with conjectures,
possibilities, heuris- tic arguments, and intelligent guesses. The
chemical effects of cavitation have been explained by means of many
theories, consisting of empirical constants, adjustable parameters, and
the like. The chemists working with cavitation chemistry agree that the
phenomenon is very complex and system specific. Mathematicians and
physi- cists have offered partial solutions to the observed phenomena on
the basis of cavitation parameters, whereas chemists have attempted
explanations based on the modes of reaction and the detection of
intermediate chemical species. Nevertheless, no one has been able to
formulate a unified theme, however crude, for its effects on the basis
of the known parameters, such as cavitation and transient chemistry
involving extremely high temperatures of nanosecond durations. When one
surveys the literature on cavitation-assisted reactions, it is clear
that the approach so far has been "Edisonian" in nature. While a large
number of reactions have showed either enhanced yields or reduced
reaction times, many reactions have remained unaffected in the presence
of cavitation. The success or failure of cavitation reactions ultimately
depends on the collapse of the cavity. Cavitation chemistry is based on
the principles of the formation of small transient cavities, their
growth and implosion, which produce chemical reactions caused by the
generation of extreme pressures and temperatures and a high degree of
micro- turbulence.