With the imagination of a writer and the eye of an artist, Michael Korda
doodled on the backs of old manuscripts in his tackroom while his wife,
Margaret, was out riding. They loved and acquired cats--a habit written
about previously in their book, Cat People--and the few in residence
at this time would serve as inspiration for the drawings. These are no
ordinary cat illustrations, though. Korda's cats read newspapers and
books; go ice skating in the small country town where they live; comfort
Margaret's horse, Monty, after a stressful vet visit; sell fried mice at
the Farmer's Market, and undertake (on paper, at least) whatever
fanciful endeavors their keeper conjures up.
The result is a collection of magical pieces, filled with joy, that
represent a year in the life of a couple in love with one another, and
certainly with their cats.