In the context of interpersonal interaction, it is possible to
characterize human beings as complex sources of information. When
interacting with one another, people in- tentionally, as well as
unintentionally, emit cues which other people can use as a basis for
generating inferences and forming impressions about them. As a rule, the
informa- tion that one receives about another person is complex,
mutable, and multidimensional. Often, it is contradictory. One of the
more enduring lines of investigation in social psychology has been
concerned with understanding the processes whereby people mold such
diverse information into a single, unified impression. The linear
approach The most influential approach to this issue in recent years has
been Anderson's information integration theory (e. g., Anderson, 1974).
The goal of this approach to im- pression formation is the formulation
of an algebraic model which describes the relation between stimulus
input charac- teristics and reported judgments. According to information
integration theory, a stimulus is characterized hy two parameters: scale
value and weight. The scale value of a stimulus represents the
perceiver's subjective response to the information on the dimension of
judgment (e. g., good-bad, light-heavy, like-dislike). The weight of a
stimulus is its importance or relevance to the judgment. It is perhaps
best conceptualized as the proportion that each element of a compound
stimulus contributes to the overall evaluation of the compound.