The trends of Acute Myocardial Infarct (AMI) subjects with
hyperlipidemia has changed.The current study is based on stratification
of risk factors in Normolipidemic AMI subjects, where the author
approaches to elucidate the various risk factors and compounding
variables associated with AMI in subjects who were absolutely
Normolipidemic but suffered a set back.It has been observed that it is
not only the lipids but there are several others analytical variables
which can lead to AMI.The take away home message from this study
highlights on measurements of other risk variables which are associated
with the silent killer. It has become mandatory to analyze these risk
variables in appropriate time so that the heavy cost beard by the
subjects in Intensive Coronary Care Unit(ICCU) is minimized and can be
healthy if these variables are also considered as a routine biochemical
examination and measured in right time. The Author believes the current
trends of AMI always associated with hyperlipidemia would change and
subjects must be aware of other risk variables if they consider
themselves risk free by being Normolipidemic.