Driving, owning, repairing and maintaining a car can be expensive,
frustrating and time-consuming. Car Hacks is here to explain how to
use the things you have around your home to improve your car life, and
balance your well-being in the process. From ensuring you never lose a
screw when repairing your car, to spending less on fuel, and using
cereal boxes to keep you car tidy, this book will open your eyes to the
joys of car hacking.
Here are some favorite hacks you'll find in Car Hacks:
- Interior hacks - Storage, cleaning, fixes, upgrades
- Exterior hacks - Bodywork, mechanical, quick repairs using everyday
- Workshop hacks/Garage hacks - Working on your car
- Journey hacks - Easy storage solutions, luggage packing hacks,
avoiding motorway food prices
- Driving hacks - Getting better fuel economy, avoiding motorway fuel
prices, avoiding jams
- Family hacks - Entertaining kids (and adults!), simple tablet holders,
ensuring everything stays charged, cable tidies, adding WiFi to your
- Everyday hacks
- PLUS 'Tool Hacks' box outs placed throughout the book