With implementation of the Affordable Care Act (ACA) under way,
healthcare leaders are facing new challenges across all fronts,
particularly capital funding for healthcare facility projects of any
kind. This book takes readers through the logical steps of approaching
capital projects in light of the ACA and the new environment where the
delivery model must be based on value rather than volume. The editors,
experts in healthcare real estate construction, strategy, and design,
provide an overview of the new financial landscape for capital projects,
identify what the future will hold for such projects, and share guidance
for successfully navigating this new environment.
Expert contributing authors share information and perspectives on
specific stages in capital projects, such as:
Program and project management The evolution of healthcare design
Technology planning and systems integration Investment in medical
equipment Lean principles and green construction
A unique feature of this book is the attention paid to the various
participants and perspectives involved throughout capital projects,
including healthcare executives, architects, planners, construction and
project managers, and more.