Calculus: Single and Multivariable, 8th Edition teaches calculus in a
way that promotes critical thinking to reveal solutions to mathematical
problems while highlighting the practical value of mathematics. From the
Calculus Consortium based at Harvard University, this leading text
reinforces the conceptual understanding students require to reduce
complicated problems to simple procedures. In this new edition, the
authors retain their emphasis on the Rule of Four--viewing problems
graphically, numerically, symbolically, and verbally--with a special
focus on introducing different perspectives for students with different
learning styles.
The ideal textbook for promoting active learning in a 'flipped'
classroom, Calculus engages students across multiple majors by
providing a variety of problems with applications from the physical
sciences, economics, health, biology, engineering, and economics.
Throughout the text, the Consortium brings calculus to life with current
and relevant examples and numerous opportunities to master key
mathematical concepts and skills. The eighth edition includes new
graphing questions and visualizations powered by GeoGebra--enabling
complex, multi-part questions that reinforce the Rule of Four and
strengthen student comprehension.