The cultural, social and scientific management of death--how to postpone
it, how to prepare for it, what to do with remains, how to remember the
deceased--forms the rarely acknowledged framework for the formation of
society. Community is only possible if its members avow and disavow, the
fact that every one of them will die. The many ways in which we live
with, and despite, this knowledge inform the focus of Cabinet 49, with
its special section on "Death." Contributions include Stacey Roberts on
the science of delaying death; Simon Jonasson on DIY burials; Elga Holt
on the difference between human and animal mourning; and Suzanne Cotton
on the history of suicide notes. Elsewhere in the issue: Leland de la
Durantaye on a reimagining of The Waste Land; Sina Najafi on gifts
given to and by American presidents; and an artist project by Santiago