Learn C++ programming at your own pace--Covers modern C++ 20
Starting with one hour a day, you can gain all the skills you need to
begin programming in C++. This complete tutorial will help you quickly
master the basics of object-oriented programming and teach you advanced
C++ language features and concepts. Fully updated for the C++20
standard, this practical book is designed to help you write C++ code
that's faster, simpler, and more reliable and master the fundamentals of
C++ and object-oriented programming.
- No programming experience required: start writing well-organized,
efficient C++ programs quickly!
- Apply proven Do's and Don'ts to leverage best practices and avoid
pitfalls from day one
- Test your knowledge and expertise with focused exercises after every
- Simplify your code using automatic type deduction and other features
- Accelerate learning using nearly 300 code samples explained within
- Preview improvements expected in C++23
Part I - The Basics: Using Variables, Declaring Constants;
Arrays and Strings; Expressions, Statements, and Operators; Controlling
Program Flow; Functions; Pointers and References
Part II - Fundamentals of Object-Oriented C++ Programming:
Classes and Objects; Implementing Inheritance; Polymorphism; Operator
Types and Operator Overloading; Casting Operators; Macros and Templates
PART III - Learning the Standard Template Library (STL): The STL
String Class; STL Dynamic Array Classes; STL list and forward_list; STL
set and multiset; STL map and multimap
PART IV: Lambda Expressions and STL Algorithms: Function Objects;
Lambda Expressions;