This text constitutes a comprehensive record of the history of British
poultry husbandry. It includes fascinating and insightful information
into the age-old practice of poultry-keeping - and is a text that will
be of much value to anyone with an interest in the subject. It is not to
be missed by collectors of antiquarian literature of this ilk. The
chapters of this book include: 'Early Days of British Poultry Breeding';
'Rise, Influence and Decline of Cock-fighting'; 'Older British Breeds of
Poultry and Their Evolution'; 'Poultry in Relation to Meat Production';
'Poultry Shows and their Development'; 'Adoption of and Breeding to
Standards'; 'Introduction and Modification of Foreign Races of Poultry';
etcetera. We are proudly republishing this antique volume here complete
with a new introduction on poultry farming.