For the past 100 years, we've progressively dehumanized our places of
work. We've learned to systemize, homogenize, and mechanize - all in the
quest for greater efficiency and cost-saving. We've forgotten that the
human being is the centre of work.
This book highlights the ten essential performance and development
conversations leaders must have to restore human spirit at work. First,
it explains the importance of cultivating an authentic workplace by
resisting the dumbing down of work and respecting employee dignity.
Second, it presents five developmental conversations, from coaching to
relationship-building. Third, it outlines five performance
conversations, from climate review to innovation.
An organization - any organization - is a group of people working
together towards a common goal, but we tend to lose sight of this simple
idea. Too often, human resources are lumped in with technological
resources, administrative resources and financial resources. Managers
become obsessed with processes, procedures and systems. Tim Baker
provides leaders with a roadmap to bring the human being back to work.