A look at how relationships can drive successful negotiation, from an
award-winning faculty member at the Wharton School of Business.
Contrary to conventional wisdom about what makes a good negotiator -
namely, being aggressive and unemotional - in Bring Yourself,
Taheripour offers a radically different perspective. In her own life,
and in her nearly 20 years of experience teaching negotiation, she's
found that the best negotiators are empathetic, curious, and present.
The essence of bargaining isn't the transaction, but the conversation
and human connection. It is when we bring our whole, authentic selves to
the table that we can advocate for ourselves fearlessly and find
creative solutions that benefit everyone.
Taheripour has seen the power of this mindset shift firsthand. In her
consulting, her classes at Wharton, and in her work teaching negotiation
for the Goldman Sachs 10,000 Small Businesses program, her students
and clients experience personal breakthroughs as they face the fears and
false narratives that held them back. Bring Yourself explains how our
pressure points, personal experience, and even our cultural expectations
can become roadblocks to finding common ground, and it offers essential
strategies to move beyond them and open our minds. Taheripour argues
that regardless of our own perceived ability to negotiate, we must have
the courage to engage because bargaining plays a crucial role in every
aspect of our lives. We negotiate boundaries with our parents and
partners, bedtimes with our kids, and even with ourselves every time we
make a pros and cons list to weigh a major decision. Negotiation is how
we problem solve and how we find our voice.
With eye-opening and empowering stories throughout, Bring Yourself
helps readers gain the confidence they need to achieve their goals in
work and in life. Timely and provocative, this paradigm-shifting book
can transform our world and the way we work together.