Geological research does not flow steadily onwards by means of small
incremental advances but can be better understood as a series of
significant discoveries or changes in interpretation that transformed
the way we understand the Earth. Each of these changes or new ideas
encouraged a burst of activity as researchers attempted to apply them
more widely in order to test their universality, and thereby their
validity as a scientific theory. Probably the best example of such a
transformative idea is Plate Tectonics, which, although questioned at
the time it was introduced, is now universally accepted as a general
principle. A large number of the subsequent advances in geological
understanding have been based upon this breakthrough. Each of the 12
chapters in this book represents a new idea or discovery, which is
discussed in its historical context. In each case the salient features
of these ideas are described, together with some biographical details of
the individual scientists credited with them - but also mentioning
others whose role in the generation of the idea is perhaps not so
obvious.Of instant appeal to geologists and other earth scientists
interested in how their science evolved over time by means of a number
of revolutionary ideas, this book also serves as a paradigm for the
history of science across many disciplines.