For every examination especially competitive examination, It is
imperative that aspirants practice rigorously for the exam. One sure
short way to prepare for such exams is to work on mock test Papers. For
the upcoming Punjab Civil Services, solving mock test Papers will boost
your confidence and preparation levels. Gap Booster test series is the
answer to all your exam prep related questions. This book consists of 10
Mock Test Papers that will give a decisive edge in your preparation.
This book is designed as per the latest exam pattern and a special
section in the beginning of the book named - "Punjab at a Glance" will
help you go through the latest facts about Punjab which will add value
to your preparation. The answer booklet and the question booklet has
been made separately so that the aspirant easily can take the test
without having the temptation to look at the answers. Features: as per
the latest pattern 10 Mock tests.