"Bone Songs is a series of love poems, inspired by 33 years of
marriage . . . The sonata-style material, which evokes Rumi, Thornton
Wilder and James Joyce without ever seeming referential, is elegiac,
furious and rhapsodic by turns--true theatrical poetry."--David C.
Nichols, Los Angeles Times
"To describe André's contribution [as a theatre artist] gets into
something which is enormously intangible. His greatest accomplishments
are really in the realm of human insight and psychological
truth."--Wallace Shawn
Bone Songs is a meditation on the journey of marriage and the meaning
of one's long life, by acclaimed avant-garde theatre director André
Gregory. Loosely based on Solomon's Song of Songs, it takes the shape
of a passionate conversation with the artist's late wife. Gregory
performs Bone Songs as a kind of "After Dinner with André," weaving
together his own personal anecdotes with the journey of five characters
on a cruise to Antarctica: a young couple honeymooning, a middle-aged
couple dealing with illness and an old man returning after the death of
his wife. The signature performances sold out in Los Angeles and will
debut this season in New York.
André Gregory has been one of the most important forces in the
American theatre for nearly 40 years. He was the founder of Seattle
Repertory Theatre, and in the late 1960s created the Manhattan Project,
one of the leading theatres in the New York avant-garde. His ongoing
collaboration with playwright Wallace Shawn is at the center of such
films as My Dinner with Andre and Vanya on 42nd Street. His
legendary production of Alice in Wonderland played in New York for
seven years, and toured the U.S., Europe and the Middle East.