One of the most important aspects of solid materials is the regularity
of the arrangement of the constituent molecules, that is, the long-range
order. The focus of this book is on the contribution made by the
ordering of bond orientations (as distinguished from the orientations of
the molecules themselves) on the behavior of condensed systems,
particularly their phase transitions. Examples in which
bond-orientational effects play an important role are liquid crystals,
quasicrystals, and two-dimensional crystals. This book contains
contributions by many of the foremost researchers in the field. The
chapters are tutorial reviews of the subject, written both for the
active researcher looking for a review of a topic and for the graduate
student investigating an exciting area of research. The contributions
include an overview by J.D. Brock, Cornell; a discussion of computer
simulation studies by K.J. Strandburg, Argonne; chapters on phase
transition in hexatic liquid crystals by C.C. Huang, Minnesota and C.A.
Murray, Texas A&M; and chapters on quasicrystals by S. Sachdev, Yale,
M.V. Jaric, A.I. Goldman, Iowa State, and T.-L. Ho, Ohio State.