This book basically involves the study of flight parameters, wing beat
frequency, moment of inertia, and wing movements for developing various
aerodynamic forces which have been calculated. The book is intended for
biologists, physicists, nanotechnologists, and aerospace engineers.
Resilin, an elastic polymer (4 λ) which is present at the base of
insect, plays a major role in Neurogenic and Myogenic insect flyers and
influences the physiology of flight muscles. Leading edge vortex (LEV)
is a special feature of insect flight. Insect wings have stalling angle
above 60 degrees as compared to a man-made aeroplane stalling angle
which is 16 degree. Reynolds number, the knowledge of LEV, and detailed
study of moment of inertia help in developing flapping flexible wings
for micro-aerial-vehicles. This book serves as an interface between
biologists and engineers interested to develop biomimicking
micro-aerial-vehicles. The contents of this book is useful to
researchers and professionals alike.