It was our intention and goal to bring together m Biopestzcides Use and
Delavery the latest advances in the science and technology of the
evolving field of biopesticides In the context of crop protectton,
btopesttcides are a key component of integrated pest management (IPM)
programs, m which biopesticides are delivered to crops m inundative
quantities, vs the mocu- tive approach, which is charactertstic of
classical biological control. Although there are several definitions of
biopesttcides m the literature, we chose to define them as either
microbials themselves or products derived from microbials, plants, and
other biological entities. In the developed, industrial countries,
primarily in Western Europe and the United States, biopesticides are
receiving more practical attention, smce they are viewed as a means to
reduce the load of synthetic chemical pes- tides m an effort to provide
for safer foods and a cleaner envtronment. In the developing countries,
biopestictdes are viewed as having the potential to - ploit nattve
resources to produce crop protection agents that would replace imported
chemical pesticides and conserve much-needed hard currencies These
trends are well represented by the dynamic growth of engineered crops
expressing the delta-endotoxm insecticidal protem crystals of Bacillus
thuringzenszs (B. t ) m corn, cotton, and potatoes and the development
of - combinant B. t.