Twenty years ago, researchers wishing to identify contaminated areas in
aquatic environments generally took water samples, and analysed them
badly (as we have since discovered) for a few "pollutants" which were of
topical note at the time (and which could be quantified by the methods
then available). Today, the use of aquatic organisms as biomonitors in
preference to water analysis has become commonplace, and many national
and interna- tional programmes exist around the world involving such
studies. We believe that this trend will continue, and have complete
faith in the methodology (when it is employed correctly). We hope that
the following text assists in some part in attaining this goal, such
that the quality of our most basic global resource -water - is
adequately protected in the future. DAVE PHILLIPS, PHIL RAINBOW England,
March 1992 vii Acknowledgements Our thanks for contributions to this
book are due to several individuals and groups, for varying reasons.
Firstly, a co-authored book is always a triumph, and we trust that the
following text is an acceptable compromise of the views of two
individual authors, on a complex and developing topic. Secondly, many of
the ideas herein have crystallised over the last two decades as the
field has grown, and we are individually and collectively grateful to a
number of researchers for their insight and assistance.