tions is not possible without first putting the problem into a wider
con- text. Consequently, before proceeding with detailed critical
topical cov- erage of individual biomass energy sources, uses, and
effects, I will extend this preface with a few pages of rather personal
reflections (I will use the same device in closing the book: after
providing concise topical summaries in Chapter 8, I will conclude with
some essayistic musings on renewable energetics, plants, people, and a
scientist's responsibility). Interest in biomass energies is just a part
of a broader global trend toward renewable energetics, a trend which has
evolved speedily after the crude oil price escalation started in 1973.
Yet one must be reminded that for the rich countries fossil fuels are,
and for a long period shall remain, the foundation of an affluent
civilization, while throughout the poor world the reliance of most
people on biomass energies for everyday subsistence has brought many
damaging environmental and social ef- fects; that the reality of sharp
price rises for crude oil (actually not so sharp once adjusted for
inflation) should not be misconstrued as an "energy crisis"; that the
rise of renew abies and the claims made on their behalf by countless
enthusiasts look so much better on paper than in reality; and that the
potential of biomass energies, an essential ingre- dient of renewable
scenarios, has been judged more with proselytizing zeal than with
critical detachment.