This book contains the contributions to a workshop on stress in farm
animals held on April 17-18,1986 at the Pietersberg Con- ference Centre
Oosterbeek. The workshop was financed by the Commis- sion of the
European Communities from its budget for the coordina- tion of Community
Agricultural Research and the Agricultural Uni- versity of Wageningen
(The Netherlands). Its aim was to bring together experts from different
disciplines all having in common that in one way or another they were
involved in stress research. Such a multidisciplinary encounter should
not only provide an interesting description of present day knowledge on
stress, but also promote a more integrated view on stress phenomena as
they occur in higher vertebrates. In the course of this workshop the
following fields of research were related to stress: endocrinology,
immunology, pathology, neurobiology, ethology and theoretical bio- logy.
Each of these relationships was introduce& by one speaker presenting a
concise state of the art. The same relationship was elaborated by a
second speaker implementing the available knowledge as far as possible
to the farm animal situation. Therefore in this book each discipline is
represented by a duo and introduced by some integrating remarks.