One of the only books to treat the whole spider, from its behavior and
physiology to its neurobiology and reproductive characteristics,
Biology of Spiders is considered a classic in spider literature. First
published in German in 1979, the book is now in its third edition, and
has established itself as the supreme authority on these fascinating
Containing five hundred new references, this book incorporates the
latest research while dispelling many oft-heard myths and misconceptions
that surround spiders. Of special interest are chapters on the structure
and function of spider webs and silk, as well as those on spider venom.
A new subchapter on tarantulas will appeal especially to tarantula
keepers and breeders.
The highly accessible text is supplemented by exceptional, high-quality
photographs, many of them originals, and detailed diagrams. It will be
of interest to arachnologists, entomologists, and zoologists, as well as
to academics, students of biology, and the general reader curious about