N.M. V AN STRAALEN** and D.A. KRIVOLUTSKY* **Department of Ecology
and Ecotoxicology VrUe Universiteit, De Boelelaan 1087, 1081 HV
Amsterdam, The Netherlands *Institute of Evolutionary Animal Morphology
and Ecology Russian Academy of Sciences, Leninsky Prospekt 33 117071
Moscow, Russian Federation Many industrialized and developing countries
are faced with the assessment of potential risks associated with
contaminated land. A variety of human activities, including municipal
waste disposal, industrial emissions, military testing, and agricultural
practices have left their impacts on soils in the form of elevated, and
locally high concentrations of toxicants. In several cases sources have
not yet been stopped and contamination continues. Decisions on the
management of contaminated sites require information on the extent to
which toxicants adversely affect the soil ecosystem. For this purpose,
it is often insufficient to extrapolate from abiotic sampling. The
detection of a toxicant in the abiotic environment usually does not
allow a very strong conclusion on the potential hazards.