The Europäische Akademie zur Erforschung von Folgen
wissenschaftlich-tech- scher Entwicklungen Bad Neuenahr-Ahrweiler GmbH
is concerned with the sci- tific study of the consequences of scientific
and technological advance for indiv- ual and societal life and for the
natural environment. The main focus is the exa- nation of mid- and
long-term processes that are especially influenced by natur- and
engineering sciences and the medical disciplines. As an independent
scientific institution, the Europäische Akademie pursues a dialogue with
politics and society. The work of the Europäische Akademie is mainly
conducted by temporary int- disciplinary project teams that develop
recommendations for al long-term reliable science and technology policy.
Above that, the Europäische Akademie organises international conferences
on timely issues that are connected to its research p- gramme. The
present volume aims at attracting attention to moral problems caused by
the globalisation of medicine and the life-sciences. Finding acceptable
and re- able solutions for these bioethical problems will to a large
extent determine the quality of our living together in an increasingly
small world.