Follow Finn and Skip as they go on a hang-gliding adventure up in the
clouds, help them combat climate change, and learn Spanish phrases and
vocabulary along the way!
A charming storybook, with playful illustrations and parallel English
and Spanish text, for children who have an interest in nature and the
environment, and want to do more to protect it:
- Easy-to-read book for kids who are 3-5 years old
- Dual language book: you can read both English and Spanish side by side
or switch between them!
- Lively story with quirky illustrations to make reading fun
- Features lots of practical tips for taking care of the planet
- Teaches words in context and supports second language development
through key phrases and structures
- Excellent resource for strengthening bilingualism and reading skills
Young ones will gain language lessons while also discovering all the
different ways we can help our birds and the environment.
Acompaña a Finn y su perro, Skip, en un apasionante viaje en ala delta,
descubre cómo mantener el aire limpio de contaminación, cómo proteger
las aves, y ¡aprende inglés y español al mismo tiempo! Un divertido
cuento con texto en español e inglés, perfecto para desarrollar el
lenguaje de niños bilingües, lectores principiantes y estudiantes de
inglés o español como segunda lengua.