They are not afraid of challenges and breaking barriers; they found
their courage. They are BIAS BREAKERS!
Bias breakers are individuals who have experienced or champion injustice
in relation to culture, race, age, gender, sexuality, physical
impairment, or neurodiversity. They share stories of victory. Bias
Breakers bounce back with determination and adaptability. They need to
be adaptable and resilient at the same time. Barriers are there to be
smashed down.
Each one of us has a story to share. Some have more than one... Are you
seeking the courage to share your story? Take a look inside...
The contributors are: Archna Gohil, Louise Slattery, Nirmala Bhojani,
Jermaine Gregory, Dr Bijna Kotak Dasani MBE FRSA, Kate Wilson, Emma
Jones, Bhanu Jadeja-Mahal, Pam Case, Alaska Harrison, Zishan Khan and Dr
Andrea Malam BEM