The Viikyapadiya of Bhartrhari and the Pramii1Jasamuccaya of Dignaga -
are seminal texts in the history of ancient Indian philosophy. One text
deals with grammar, the other with logic, both are the work of committed
metaphysicians. Written within a span of less than a hundred years,
between the fifth and the sixth centuries A.D., these texts have
generally been treated separately, as representing independent schools
of thought. This essay attempts to interpret these texts jointly, as a
dialogue between a grammarian and a logician. This way of approaching
these texts highlights unexpected facets of Bhartrhari's and Dignaga's
theories of language and is intended to identify the individual
achievements of each. Above all, this treatment is an exercise in
writing the intellectual history of a period in time, rather than a
history of a school of philosophy. The prevailing view of Bhartrhari
holds that his linguistic techniques are not intrinsic to his
metaphysics. The conclusions reached in the present essay are that
Bhartrhari's metaphysics underlie his linguistic techniques and
articulate their presuppositions. The prevailing view of Dignaga
maintains that for him language deals with illusory entities and must
falsify what is real. The conclusions reached in the present essay are
that Dignaga's logical rules are designed to ensure that in using
language one is not committed to a belief in fictional entities. My debt
to modern scholarship in the field is considerable.