Division TEACCH, a statewide program in North Carolina, serves people
with autism and their families through the School of Medicine at the
University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. TEACCH was one of the
first, and remains one of the most comprehensive and effective, programs
in the world working with this population. Over the years the puzzling
and unusual behavior problems these children present have been among the
most interesting and challenging of the enigmas parents and
professionals confront. This book is designed to provide information on
these behaviors that will be relevant and useful. As with the preceding
books in our series, Current Issues in Autism, this volume is based in
part on one of the annual TEACCH Conferences held in Chapel Hill in May.
The books are not simply published proceedings of the conference papers.
Instead, conference participants are asked to develop full-length
chapters around their presentations. Other international experts, whose
work is beyond the scope of each conference but related to its major
theme, are asked to contribute chapters as well. These volumes provide
the most up-to-date information on research and professional practice
available on the most important issues in autism.