A smile is a sign of self-confidence, happiness, and love. But a
beautiful smile is much more than aesthetics. The interior health and
structure of a smile is just as important, if not more important, than
the outward appearance.
With Beautiful Smiles Inside and Out, orthodontist and practice owner
Terry Giangreco describes the artistry behind crafting a beautiful smile
and explains how the structures of our teeth and jaws impact our overall
health. Everyone would agree that breathing is the most important
function of your body, but did you know that breathing limitations are
often connected to the structure of your jaw and can lead to health
issues such as sleep apnea, ADHD, and obesity?
Engaging and in terms easy to understand, Dr. Giangreco, with his
holistic approach to orthodontics, explains just how important your oral
health is to your well-being. After reading Beautiful Smiles Inside and
Out, you'll view your smile, self-confidence, and overall heath in a
whole new way.