This book consists of author's four works, 'As a man thinketh', 'From
passion to peace', 'Man: King of mind, body and circumstance', and
"Foundation stones to happiness and success'. It narrated about the
power of positive thinking. Thoughts play a very important role in
channelizing our system. The effect of thoughts is on our physical,
mental, emotional, & social health. Or we can say it as an all-round
personality is affected by our thought system. Author has focused on the
power of positive thinking in this book.
This book makes us free from the slavery of our negative thoughts. The
best thing is, with all these aspects i.e., of four works, is surely
going to help a lot to the readers. It creates a right balance of our
thoughts and speech, which enhances our personality and makes our life
comfortable and remains active, and full of enthusiasm.
A must read book to make our tomorrow better and to move towards a
beautiful life.