The book is a guide to emerging Chief Executives and company top
managers. What's the thinking of the best CEO's of the world? How to
understand where you are as CEO and top priorities to effort? How to
create a vision? How a mission? How a strategy? How a related and
sustainable action plan? What's the secret of a successful CEO and
Company? How many meetings organize? What's the best agenda for daily,
weekly, monthly, quarterly, yearly meetings? These and other questions
are clearly analyzed in the book and for all of them you will find
effective answers and examples. Through a path full of details and tips,
the author draws attention to every detail concerning this profession.
The themes are the most varied and offer a 360 ° view of this role,
catching even the most seemingly insignificant aspects, but which are of
great use. The language is rich and full of technicalities, however,
along with the questions contained in the text, it can be understood
even by non-specialists due to the simplicity with which they are placed
to the reader. A valuable reading for anyone who plays the important
role of Ceo and every good manager who wants to grow.