Clear. Understandable. Carefully organized. Basics of Biblical
Greek Grammar by William D. Mounce is the standard textbook for
colleges and seminaries. Since its initial publication in 1993 its
integrated approach has helped more than 250,000 students learn New
Testament Greek.
The fourth edition of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar has been
updated throughout based on continuing feedback from professors,
students, self-learners, and homeschoolers, making it even more
effective for today's students. Other improvements have been made based
on recent developments in scholarship.
The key to the effectiveness of Basics of Biblical Greek Grammar in
helping students learn is in how it introduces them to the language.
Students learn about the features of the Greek language in a logical
order, with each lesson building upon the one before it. Unnecessary
obstacles that discourage students and hinder progress are removed, such
as rote memorization of endless verbal paradigms. Instead, students
receive encouragement along the way to assure them they are making the
necessary progress. Detailed discussions are also included at key
junctures to help students grasp important concepts.
By the time students have worked their way through Basics of Biblical
Greek Grammar they will have learned:
- The Greek Alphabet
- Vocabulary for words occurring 50 times or more in the Greek New
- The Greek noun system
- The Greek verbal system, including indicative and nonindicative verbs,
and participles
A robust suite of learning aids is available for purchase to be used
alongside the textbook to help students excel in their studies. These
include a workbook, video lectures for each chapter featuring the
author, flashcards keyed to vocabulary in each chapter, a laminated
quick study sheet with key concepts, and audio of the vocabulary for
each chapter to aid in acquisition.