The 12thInternational BasementTectonicsConferencewas hostedbythe
Schoolof Geologyand Geophysics and theOklahoma Geological Survey inthe
SarkeysEnergy Centeronthe campusoftheUniversityofOklahoma, Norman,
Oklahoma, U. S. A., from May 21stthroughMay 26th, 1995. Atotal of52
individualswere in attendance, 9 ofwhichwereattendingfrom
6differentforeign countries. Fourdaysoforal and posterpresentationswere
divided intofour technical sessions withthefollowing themes:
I)FractureDevelopment, Reactivation, andMineralization, organizedbyM. 1.
Bartholomewand S. Marshak; 2)EvolutionoftheBasementofthe North American
Plate (with special emphasison its southern margin), organizedby R E.
Denisonand E. G. Lidiak; 3)ProbingofBasement: Geophysical and
Geochemical Methods, organizedbyR A. Youngand G. R Keller; and
4)ResponseofCoverRocks toBasementDeformation, organized by P.
Berendsenand M. P. Carlson. Seventy-five presentationswere made during
thecourseofthe meeting, which wasorganizedby Program Chairman M. Charles
Gilbertandprofessionally managedbySaraMoody. Precedingthe meeting
wasatwo dayfield trip toexaminethe modeand kinematics ofterraneaccretion
duringclosureofan oceanbasin, as preserved in thePrecambrian
geologyoftheeasternLlano Uplift, Texas, U. S. A. Thefield trip leaders
Sharon Mosher, MarkHelper, Don Barker, and Robert Reed providedan
excellentand comprehensive guidebook, and shared theirconsiderable
expertise in manydiscussions at one spectacularexposures afteranother.
All registrants participatedinthe mid-conferencefield tripguidedby R E.
Denison, E. G. Lidiak, M. C. Gilbert, and John P. Hogan to
examinethePrecambrianand Cambrianbasementterranesexposed in the
ArbuckleMountainsupliftin southernOklahoma, U. S. A. Evidencefor
apossible continental arc settingfor the southern margin ofthe-1. 4 Ga
Granite-Rhyolite Terrane, theopeningofthe Cambrian Southern Oklahoma
Aulacogenasevidencedby aspectacularexposureofadiabasedike swarm, and the
roleofearliertectonicfabrics in thedevelopmentofyoungerstructureswere
someofthe topicsofdiscussion. Thetwo day postconferencefield trip to the
WichitaMountains uplift, southwestern Oklahoma, U. S. A. was ledby M.
Charles Gilbert, and John P. Hogan. Thistrip highlightedthe Cambrian
SouthernOklahoma Aulacogen.