Fried and Sosland bring their combined experiences together to present a
blueprint to reduce the pain, rage and revenge cycle of bullying. Their
strategies have been captured from hands-on interaction with educators,
parents and students. Their premise comes from the apocryphal village
that is being ravaged by dysentery. Do you treat each person for their
intestinal disorders or do you put in a sewer system? Do you work with
each individual student or do you change a culture that hosts cruelty.
Can you do both? The core of the book is the Student Empowerment Session
that has been crafted and refined over fifteen years. This carefully
organized, powerful system of questions has effected dramatic changes in
children's insights about their behavior. The book also explores topics
which include cyberbullying, children with disabilities, "mean girls,"
teachers who are bullies, parents who refuse to accept that their
children are bullies, and academic vs. social emotional learning
concerns to help readers change the culture and banish bully behavior.