Our purpose in writing this monograph is to give a comprehensive
treatment of the subject. We define bandit problems and give the
necessary foundations in Chapter 2. Many of the important results that
have appeared in the literature are presented in later chapters; these
are interspersed with new results. We give proofs unless they are very
easy or the result is not used in the sequel. We have simplified a
number of arguments so many of the proofs given tend to be conceptual
rather than calculational. All results given have been incorporated into
our style and notation. The exposition is aimed at a variety of types of
readers. Bandit problems and the associated mathematical and technical
issues are developed from first principles. Since we have tried to be
comprehens- ive the mathematical level is sometimes advanced; for
example, we use measure-theoretic notions freely in Chapter 2. But the
mathema- tically uninitiated reader can easily sidestep such discussion
when it occurs in Chapter 2 and elsewhere. We have tried to appeal to
graduate students and professionals in engineering, biometry, econ-
omics, management science, and operations research, as well as those in
mathematics and statistics. The monograph could serve as a reference for
professionals or as a telA in a semester or year-long graduate level