Established in 1911, Avery County is the youngest North Carolina county.
Despite its recent formation, Avery has an intriguing history and rich
Appalachian culture. Over the years, photographers have been eager to
capture Grandfather Mountain, majestic Linville Falls, church groups,
families, mighty steam engines, and many other diverse aspects of
mountain culture. James Lenoir Franklin from the Linville Falls
community photographed the southern portions of the county in the early
1900s. Operating during the same time, Willie R. Trivett lived and
photographed in the Beech Mountain area. Drs. Mary and Eustace Sloop,
founders of the Crossnore School, also took numerous photographs of
Appalachian life. In more recent times, Grandfather Mountain's Hugh
Morton has captured endearing images of the people and places of Avery