Among the dreams of mankind is the one dealing with the mecha- nization
of human thought. As the world today has become so complex that humans
apparently fail to manage it properly with their intellectual gifts, the
realization of this dream might be regarded even as something like a
necessity. On the other hand, the incredible advances in computer
technology let it appear as a real possibility. Of course, it is not
easy to say what sort of thing human thinking actually is, a theme which
over the centuries occupied many thinkers, mainly philosophers. From a
critical point of view most of their theories were of a speculative
nature since their only way of testing was by Gedanken-experi- ments. It
is the computer which has opened here a wide range of new possibilities
since with this tool we now can model real experiments and thus test
such theories like physicists do in their field. About a quarter of a
century ago, scientific activi- ties of that sort were started under the
label of artificial intelligence Today these activities establish a wide
and prosperous field which the author, in lack of any better name,
prefers to call intellectics. Without any doubt, the com- puter programs
developed in this field have tought us much about the nature of human